
Overview of Varces

Status: historical community (av. XIIIe siècle – 1925)

Elevation: 274m (source:

Communities Legend
red pin
Subject community

Community that is the subject of this map

blue pin
Co-issuing community

Communities that co-issued records with Varces

gold pin
Mentioning community

Communities that issued records that mention Varces

green pin
Mentioned Communities

Communities subject to, or mentioned in, deliberations from Varces

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Presence of Varces in Archive Inventories
Archives départementales de l'Isère
Date Coverage
DemAlps Status no interest
DemAlps Reference Inventory inventaire contemporain (1990)
Series/Collection/ShelfMark 4E487
Pre-contemporary Inventories
Holding Description
Medieval Holding Desc.
Holding Deliberations
Holding Statutes
Holding Loose Recs.
Holding Fiscal Recs.
Other Recs.
Holding Notes dépôt en partie non classé